Illustrations from the book Mi descrivo un'emozione 2

The artists Raffaella Soffiantini and Delia Guma collaborate closely with poet Galina Negruta. After enhancing Negruta’s first poetry collection, Mi descrivo un'emozione, with their artwork, they also illustrated its sequel, Mi descrivo un'emozione 2.

Raffaella Soffiantini, born in Locarno in the Canton of Ticino, is an emerging artist who divides her time between Lugano, Switzerland, and Carnago, Italy.

As both a painter and sculptor, she blends a bold use of color with a distinctive lyrical abstraction, balancing strong chromatic structures with an informal style. She began painting in 2017, following a career in law and a youth spent as a gymnast on the Swiss National Rhythmic Gymnastics Team.

Now fully immersed in the world of art, Raffaella pursues her creative passion with professionalism. Her works have been showcased in numerous galleries and collective exhibitions in both Italy and Switzerland.

Raffaella and Galina share a long-standing friendship, with Raffaella always being a dedicated supporter of Galina’s poetic work.

Delia Guma, a young and talented illustrator, designed the covers for both of Galina Negruta’s poetry collections. For Mi descrivo un'emozione 2, she crafted a dramatic image of a tearful face with an angel, titled L’incarnazione, using pencil on coffee-stained paper. Additionally, she created a stylized feather, rendered in the same technique, which serves as the book’s emblem.


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