Galina Negruta

Galina was born in the Moldavian countryside. She had a happy childhood in her family of five. She spends much time with her maternal grandmother outside, playing in nature, with whom she establishes a special relationship.

While growing up, Galina became restless. She was dreaming big, and she became fascinated by the metropolitan cities of the West.

She moved to Milan very young at her aunt's house. Initially, she works as a dog sitter, and the animals become her little world. After a work experience as a model, Galina meets the love of her life, who will make her mother of three fantastic children.

Galina has been writing lyrics and poetry since age 13, first in Romanian, her mother tongue and later in Italian.

The author lives in Switzerland with her family.

“I'll tell you anything but enough, because I'm not someone who loves everyone” - GN


Galina Negruta's work includes two volumes of poetry, Mi descrivo un’emozione and Mi decrivo un’emozione 2 showcasing a selection of poems she has written over 13 years. She is currently working on her first novel.