Galina Negruta debuted in 2023 with her collection of heartfelt poems Mi descrivo un'emozione, followed in 2024 by the captivating sequel, Mi descrivo un'emozione 2. Through her works, Negruta invites readers on an evocative journey, blending sentiment, vivid imagery, and musicality.

"In each of us, there is an emotion, a feeling. Said... unsaid. Lived, unlived." – GN

Galina Negruta

Author, Writer, and Poetess

“Happiness... they say it must be sought. Some find it close by, others in distant places; some spend their lives chasing it, while others remain in search.

For many, happiness lies nearby, within the walls of their own home, yet for others, it feels worlds away. Sometimes, it must be built, sometimes it requires patience, and at times, letting go.

And occasionally, one must journey to forbidden lands to uncover it.” GN