Mi decsrivo un’emozione 2

In Mi descrivo un’emozione 2, strength and lightness intertwine in a delicate balance, merging joy, melancholy, pain, and memories of loves both lost and found, along with happiness mingled with bitterness and self-awareness. The poems mirror our inner selves and lived experiences, serving as metaphors for real scars.

Reading these poems is a journey through the author’s emotions, which resonate with the reader, providing a profound exploration of the human soul.

There is nothing more beautiful and healing than immersing oneself in poetry to gain deeper insight into what lies within us, as it describes emotions that both overwhelm and captivate.

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Damned soulmates

Damned soulmates

Every day you choose each other

Lit, unlit, ugly, beautiful

In love or cursed… GN