Damned soulmates

Damned soulmates


Damned soulmates 

Every day you choose each other

Lit, unlit, ugly, beautiful

In love or cursed.


In love or cursed, 

Far or a step from death 

Bitter, sweet, unripe fate

Friends, lovers, or consorts.


Splendid soulmates

Every day you meet

Inside the rebellious spirit 

Whether you are right or wrong.


Whether you are right or wrong 

The full moon smiles at you 

You never get enough of love 

Angels, demons, or vampires.


Lost soulmates In paradise or hell

Or on solid ground 

You chase each other forever.

You chase each other forever

Damned soulmates

Love without ever knowing

That you are lost among the stars.



Illustrations from the book Mi descrivo un'emozione 2


The painting of leaves