Illustrations from the book Mi descrivo un'emozione

The artistic consept of Mi descrivo un'emozione has been curated by the artist Raffaella Soffiantini and the illustrator Delia Guma.

Raffaella Soffiantini

Raffaella Soffiantini has been creating paintings, drawings, and sculptures since 2017. Her vivid and colorful works combine elements of Futurism with influences from Picasso's Cubism. Discover her profile and explore her pieces featured in Mi descrive un'emozione.

Delia Guma

"Viso lacrimante," an illustration by young artist Delia Guma, was selected as the cover for Galina Negruta's debut book. Additional artwork by Guma has been used throughout the volume to enhance the poetry and narrative. Discover more of Delia Guma's illustrations.




Mi descrivo un’emozione; Sample chapter