Mi descrivo un’emozione; Sample chapter

“I have never questioned whether people understand my way of being and doing. As long as I remain a free spirit and communicate through my emotions, everything else is secondary”.

I am

am a feather carried by the wind

I live on the clouds but I return to the ground

I am a tear dried by time

Who seeks the infinity of a true soul.

I am a light breath that embraces the sun

I live on the highest and most beautiful mountains

I am a smile that comforts the pain

I speak with the angels fallen from heaven.

I am a face that remains in the shadows

I live in the heart of those who belong to me

I am warmth when the cold opens the door

I protect the joy when it comes and goes.

I am the breeze of that pure air

I live by the sea, I also know the desert

I am hope, I am the cure

I warm up the courage of a concept.

I'm light, I'm heavy

I live like a feather

I learned from the bottom up to fall

I talk to the stars when I miss the moon.



Illustrations from the book Mi descrivo un'emozione